Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Love Re-Bar

I Re-Bar, originally uploaded by berkeleygal77.

Concrete Gets Poured Tomorrow for the Slab!!!!

Plus, the inspector didn't want to pass this phase of the work today.  So my contractor had to explain to the building department's engineer why there wasn't any sand on top of the plastic layer and how we're putting Zypex (sp?) in the concrete as an additive, and the city engineer signed off on the deal (for this phase).  Contractor even quoted the article I gave him on why sand on top of plastic is a BAD idea, and the engineer liked it.  So we pour tomorrow.   There is now a new access "portal" in the pantry to the attic and the HVAC guy's plans are set, he likes the larger access.  There's more new electrical stuff, and a ton of outlets in the kitchen (more than 8 at last count, my contractor knows I like kitchen gadgets).  I am excited and nervous.  

And, I have exchanged some more emails with the guy who bought the lot next door.  He is a nice guy (very involved with big-scale real estate marketing and planning), has a nice modern eco-friendly plan, and won't be starting until I move in (no biggie, his house is modular a la Glide house).  Anyways...

More later!

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