Saturday, January 26, 2008

kitchen window out, new window frame in

The old kitchen window frame was rotten and falling into the room on a regular basis, so new wood frame was put in! Also, click on picture above to see house minus Lincoln Logs!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The electrician wuz here!

Proof of electrician, originally uploaded by berkeleygal77.

The electrician started working today at the house! Also the plumber! I'm happy with that. If all goes according to plan (knock wood), the I-beams will be removed Thursday and the concrete gets poured next week. Funny story: when I told someone that the 50 foot long I-beams were supporting the house, she looked incredulous and said: "You have IVY supporting the house?" Hehehe. Nope. NO ivy. Sorry.

California coastline

California coastline, originally uploaded by berkeleygal77.

This is what I do when not thinking of the house construction. I went on a drive on Hwy. 1 in California. Very twisty. Frequent turn-outs and parking spots! Good for taking pictures. Not good for those w/car sickness or vertigo (thankfully I have neither). Click on above picture to see more.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I love the smell of plywood in the morning...

(...rather, in the evening, since I took these pix at night time). My contractor's carpenter has been working on the walls downstairs in preparation for the slab being poured before the end of the month.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Framing for central downstairs wall

They've started to do the framing of the walls downstairs!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Corner concrete detail with new wood

Corner concrete detail, originally uploaded by berkeleygal77.

The construction workers have been working on concrete the last couple of days - and in the rain today no less! This is a picture of a corner of poured concrete minus the wood molds. As always, click on the picture above to see more examples!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Monkey in Morocco

IMGP2229.jpg, originally uploaded by berkeleygal77.

My boyfriend "hired" one of his neighbors, who is an artist, to make me two watercolors/pieces of art for Chanukah to decorate my new home. I gave the artist my photo album from the trip to Morocco (almost 2 years ago), and he made 2 "composite" paintings - and I love them!